North West Patch Community Garden will be having our winter working bee on Saturday the 22nd of June 2019.
Our next ordinary general meeting will be held on Saturday the 20th of July at 11am at the Eighth Day Baptist Community Centre.
Our next ordinary general meeting will be held on Thursday the 28th of February at 6pm in the North West Patch Garden (weather permitting).
Please join us on the first Thursday of the month from 6-7pm in the garden (as long as no events were on) for a low key meeting and a chance to get together and ask questions about gardening to other members and locals.
Our next ordinary general meeting will be held on Saturday the 13th of October in the Hotham Room at the North Melbourne Library 10 -11am. All Welcome!
North West Patch Community Garden will be having our inaugural working bee this coming Saturday the 22nd of September.
North West Patch will be taking part in the North Melbourne Spring Fling again this year on Sunday the 21st of October
North West Patch will be holding an official opening on Saturday the 17th of November. More details to follow.